Cimetière Américain de Normandie

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Cimetière Américain de Normandie

La description

Normandy American Cemetery | American Battle Monuments Commission

The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France is located in Colleville-sur-Mer, on the site of the temporary American St. Laurent Cemetery, established by the U.S. First Army on June 8, 1944 as the first American cemetery on European soil in World War II. The cemetery site, at the north end of its half mile access road, covers 172.5 acres and contains the graves of 9,386 of our military dead, most of whom lost their lives in the D-Day landings and ensuing operations. On the Walls of the Missing, in a semicircular garden on the east side of the memorial, are inscribed 1,557 names.


Rte du Cimetiere Americain, 14710 Colleville-sur-Mer


Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
Toilettes accessibles en fauteuil roulant


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