Parsons Paris Galerie D.

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Parsons Paris Galerie D.

La description

Galerie D.

Galerie D. - Galerie D. serves as a platform for exchange and outreach between students and the broader Paris region showcasing the diverse, versatile work by the international Parsons Paris community. As the experimental project space for Parsons Paris students, alumni, faculty and staff, Galerie D. is committed to being an active participant in the vibrant local art ecosystem through its inclusive event programming. Situated in Romainville, with Fondation Fiminco and in the heart of the Komunuma project, Galerie D. aims to provide a cross cultural discursive space tackling the challenges of our society through projects that are thought provoking, relevant and timely, while fostering the forward-looking entrepreneurial culture of Parsons Paris. - Date TBD


43 Rue de la Commune de Paris, 93230 Romainville





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